Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Housekeeping Things

A couple of quick non-study notes:


The book we are using for the study is 100 Days to a Radical Change: God First...Others Seconds and Me Last. This book is available in the North Pointe church office for $4.

We will be following behind the Thursday study by one week. So if the Thursday study covers seven days' readings, then we'll look at those seven readings, one per day, over the following week.

Disclaimer About the Internet
I have intentionally left the posts open and without requiring approval for replies, so that we can fellowship in as close to real time as we can, short of being in the same room. I have never had any problems with blogs in the past receiving objectionable posts, but since the internet is what it is, that is possible. (Not that any Bible study members would do that...but anyone can come look at the blog if they'd like, providing they find the address. And...guests are welcome.) If it becomes a problem, then I'll turn on the moderation, but I'm hoping to not need to do that.

However, if you do see something inappropriate, please feel free to send me an email about it at saturday.dm@gmail.com so I can remove it immediately, in case I have not seen it yet.



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