Be strong and of good courage , and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed : for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD. - I Chronicles 28:20
This passage is about King David telling his son, Solomon, to build the temple. David had just laid out the specifications that were revealed to him by God. This was to be a massive undertaking and would be an expensive venture. This endeavor would be one which would cost Solomon considerable loss of respect and political power if it didn't pan out, in addition to the risk of wealth invested in it.
David knew that anything God said to do, God would provide the resources for the project. He wouldn't leave his servant stranded.
We should also remember that everything we do, whether it is us delivering a meal to a sick friend or Solomon building a temple, the only thing that makes it worthwhile is that God gets the glory for it. We're not working for our own glory or fame, but because we see a need God has equipped and instructed us to fill.
Today, find a need someone has, and meet it humbly - even anonymously if possible.
Point for Discussion:
When has someone met a need in your life, and it was clear to you that they were God's agent in the provision?
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