Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome to the Book of James Bible Study


The North Pointe Baptist Church Women's Ministry has just gotten into the meat of our study on the Book of James. The study is James: Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore. Study guides can be purchased at the church for $15. For anyone reading the blog from remote but not attending the study, a study guide can be purchased here:
or at your local Christian bookstore.

However, neither this blog nor the study guide will give you the full Bible study. Much of the material is contained in weekly video sessions taught by Beth Moore, and the experience will be neither the same...nor complete...without those sessions. I encourage you to find a church in your area that is using the study and join in with a local ministry to enjoy the study in its entirety.

This blog will not include information verbatim from the study guide or the videos in most cases, so it is not a substitute for actually doing the study. I've tried to not borrow too heavily from the printed material and the videos exactly, both to keep from violating copyright and to keep from boring readers who have already explored that material in its entirety at the weekly sessions.

I hope that you'll find this blog enjoyable and that it will bless you. I look forward to exploring the book of James alongside Beth Moore...and you.

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