Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 14: He's Right Here, Right Now

The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; - 2 Chronicles 15:2

Some days, we spend feeling victorious and joyful in the midst of a personal victory.

Some days, we feel like we're in the lowest pit that can be found after a crushing disappointment.

Most days we spend somewhere between those two extremes.

The one constant in all of those conditions, though, is that God is there with us. All we need to do is slow down enough to realisze that. We need to take some time to realize God's very tangible presence in our lives. When we pause to pray, to praise, and to study His word, we draw close to God. When we take time to sense God's presence, it makes a difference in our matter which extreme that day may fall at.

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