Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sorry for the Delay


I am sorry that I haven't posted for awhile. It's been a whirlwind going from unemployed to having a new job. A whirlwind of activity and busy-ness, but definitely a blessing! I am so thankful to have a job. And it is a job that I am really enjoying, as well. God definitely closed one door to open another wonderful one in His timing.

In addition, this past week, everyone in our house has been sick at one time or another (or several at a time...and a couple sick with two different things at once). Nothing serious, but time-consuming. Tummy bug and some kind of cold-like-upper-respiratory-thing made the rounds. So I've been being Doctor Mom (or patient at the same time for a few of those days). I've been resting this weekend and will be back to blogging tomorrow on Monday.

Thank you all for your patience. I'm really sorry for the gap in posts!

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