Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 11: Very Big Plans

Teach me to do they will; for thou are my God: they spirit is good; lead em into the land of uprightness. - Psalm 143:10

Psalm 143 is filled with two recurring themes: A request for guidance and an assertion that the writer is God's servant. These two things go hand in hand. When we desire and expect to see God's guidance, we must be living in the way He desires for us to live. We must be attentive to his commandments, careful to do them, and prayerfully searching out His will by staying in the Word. Conversely, when we are faithfully doing what God has asked of us, whether small or large and whether flashy or mundane, He then reveals to us what His will is. He may reveal to us the answer to a single choice, the course for the next day, or inspire us to know what ministry He has for us for the rest of our lives. But if we are not in a place where we are listening, we will miss that revelation.

God has a plan for each one of us, but often we miss that plan because we are distracted with lesser things. Live today as God's servant first, before all else...and see where He sends you.

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